To get a better overview in the Service management module, you can create categories for equipment. Once you have created categories, you will be able to assign them to both new and existing equipment.
Handyman Office
Step by Step
- Navigate to "Service" in the menu at the top left of the Handyman Office
- Select "Configuration"(1) > "Category Type" -tab(2)
- Select "Equipment" (3) from the menu on the left
- Click "New" (4) to create a category
- A popup-box called "New equipment category" opens
- Set an ID, Name and a department for this equipment category
- If you wish to add default checklist to accompany this category, select "Default checklists"-tab
- Select the checklist(s) you want to add to the right (5). Double-click or select and click on the arrow pointing to the left. When added, the checklist will appear on the left hand side.
- Add checklist-rules (6) if you wish
- Click OK when done