In the printout tab for an order you will have several possibilities:
- Preview
- Recreate saved
- Send
- Upload to Boligmappa
- Remove document
If you want to preview a report, mark the report and select preview
Report will open in preview window
Recreate saved:
If you have saved a report earlier and want to open report with new information added you need to select recreate saved
You will then be asked if you want to specify a new date or keep existing
Report will then open and show correct information.
If you want to print report to printer you will tick off the report in the list and press print-icon
You will then get a printer settings window where you can choose printer, copies and other printer settings
If you want to send reports manually by email you can select report in the list and press send-icon.
You will then get a dialog showing the customer's email address, subject, and message. If you want to change any of these, you can do it manually in the dialog box. By pressing send, the email is sent as long as the email settings are correct and registered in Handyman Office.
Upload to Boligmappa:
Boligmappa is an option for Norwegian customers. To upload a report, tick off the report in the list and press upload to the Boligmappa icon.
When Boligmappa have saved the report you will get a message saying upload is successful
The report list will show Boligmappa icon for the report which tell us that report is to be found in Boligmappa and the date it was uploaded.
Remove document:
After uploading to Boligmappa the choice for remove document will be enabled
You can then select remove document icon and you will be asked if you really want to delete the selected document(s) from Boligmappa.
After clicking "OK" you will get a message telling you it was successful
Report list is then updated showing no connection to Boligmappa for report