It is possible to add documents to the order. You can add images, PDFs, course catalogs among others. Remember that if you add large documents, the total data may result in synchronization errors for mobile users if the document is sent to mobile.
The menu for documents are divided in two:
Add document
Add document will allow you to select and upload the document to the order. Depending on the type you choose in the menu, you will open a window that supports that type of document.
Example when selecting Picture:
Once the image is selected, it will be displayed in a new window where you can add comments, attach it to the order, or checklists, and you can decide if the image should be sent to Handyman Mobile users. You can decide if you want to send the image to Handyman Mobile users. You can also edit, send, save as, or print the image from this window.
After adding the picture, you will see the picture on the order.
Example adding circuit list:
When circuit list is selected you can fill in information in the circuit list window.
After adding the circuit list you will find the circuit list on the order.
The Documents menu consists of
Once documents have been added to the order, you will be able to edit the documents. Depending on what type of document you mark to edit, the correct window for that type of document will open (same as when adding a document), and you can make changes
When you select delete for a document you will be asked if you are sure.
If you select yes, the document will be deleted.
When you select print for a document you will be taken to a window that displays the document and gives you the opportunity to print.
For circuitlist it will look like this: