- Measuring values can now be set as a reference value so that future measurements can be compared with the reference value. It is useful for assessing measurements in a facility over time.
- Information about your certificates can be linked to the service form and this is shown in the service report so that you can show your customers certifications that are relevant to the work being carried out.
Registration of absence
- New hours type: Other absence.
Provides a better overview and the possibility of registering absences that are not holidays or illness.
- New hours type: Other absence.
Order handling
- Several new columns, including Contract. Now you can group the order list by contract for a better overview of service visits and invoice orders.
- Option to specify that individual documents and descriptions should not be displayed on Handyman Mobile.
Quote module
- Several important improvements for handling attachments to the quote
- Copy all attachments to the order when the quote is approved
- Version management of quotes
Resource planner
- The timeline can now be limited to weekdays and working hours
Activity log
- Several new activities are registered in the log so that it is easier to follow changes that occur during the projects.
Many other changes and improvements have also been made. See below for more details.
Reference values on service form
Measuring values can now be set as a reference value so that future measurements can be compared with the reference value. It is useful for assessing measurements in a facility over time to assess whether measures should be carried out.
- You indicate on the service task definition whether this can be used as a reference value
- This applies to tasks that require a measuring value or tasks with numerical content
- This setting on the task will have retroactive effect so that you can access completed orders and record reference values for a site that is already in operation.
- When filling in measuring values, you will see deviations in relation to the reference value
- On Handyman Mobile you will see a graph of historical values together with reference value. The current registration will also be displayed in the graph
Both display in Handyman office and Handyman Mobile clearly show the reference value and any deviations from this.
The same is shown on the service report.
Certificate linked to service form
On the service form, you can now specify a trade certificate that is relevant to the task to be carried out. This certificate appears on the service report. In this way, you can document both the work carried out and your own certification related to this.
If you have registered a personal certificate number, this will be displayed together with the person who has carried out the task.
Copy service form
Now you can easily make a copy of a service form. It is useful when you have different equipment and facilities where there is little variation in which data is to be recorded.
New columns in the contract list
Settings for order categories are now displayed in the contact list so that you can easily filter or group the list by these
Other changes
- Settlement date in contract
- Available in XML API for use in integration with economy systems
- Available in XML API for use in integration with economy systems
- Several devices can be selected simultaneously in the list
- If you have menu plugins, these will receive the list of selected equipment for handling in the plugin
Registration of absence
We have now introduced a new class type "Other absence". It now makes it possible to specify absence as either holiday, illness or other absence. In this way, you will be able to get a better overview and the possibility of reporting different types of absence.
You can filter on this type of time in the time list for employees, time list for orders and in the time approval.
Order handling
New columns in the order list and the order control list
Several new columns have been introduced in the order list so that you have new options for filtering and a quick overview of important information
- Contract. Now you can group the order list by contract for a better overview of service visits and invoice orders.
- Total customer price and total cost price
- These columns show information that has been sent from the Finance system where the integration uses a separate clock for this. (It is not calculated based on registrations in Handyman)
Hide documents and descriptions for Handyman Mobile users
You can now choose whether certain descriptions or documents on the order should NOT be displayed on Handyman Mobile. It can be useful if you have stored documents on orders that contain information that only the case manager should see.
Remember the most recently used storage location on Handyman Mobile
We have introduced a new setting per Handyman Mobile user that specifies whether the last used storage location when registering materials should be remembered for the next registration, or whether it should choose the standard store the next time.
You must have Handyman Mobile version 2.15 or later for this to work.
Editing of registrations from Handyman Mobile
In Handyman 9.8.1 we introduced the possibility to edit mobile registrations before exporting to the financial system or invoicing. In this version, you can choose whether this should be allowed.
Quote module
We have made several improvements in the handling of quotes and documents that make the use of the module more efficient.
Select attachments to send and merge attachments
You can choose which documents should be sent together with the quote.
Those that you choose to "merge" become part of the of quote document. In addition, you can choose to include other documents that will be sent together with the quote as separate attachments.
Copy documents from offer to order upon acceptance
A new setting is now available where you can choose that all documents on the offer are copied to the order that is created when the offer is accepted.
New variables in the offer template
The offer template has now been given new variables where you can include the department's address and additional information linked to it.
Version management of quote documents
In the quote process, it is common to adjust the quote and send updated quotes to the customer. Now these quotes will be automatically numbered so that there is no doubt as to which quote is the current one. You can choose which number the next quote will have. Handyman will increase this number automatically when the quote is updated.
Resource planner
You now have the option to see only working hours and days of the week in the timeline. It is useful for those who do not need to look beyond normal working hours in their schedule.
Activity log
Here we have added several new activities that are logged. It gives an even greater opportunity to follow up on important parts of the order execution across all orders. All the new activities can be used in saved filters and notification via sms or e-mail for those who have that module.
- The main person responsible is assigned
- When the first participant is awarded the order
- Orders were scheduled with either a finish date or a start date
- Change in invoice status for an order
- When a checklist was completed
- Here, there is a separate setting per checklist type that determines whether it should be logged. This is useful where you want to follow checklists for various deviations or serious incidents
- Event from the event module
- Great flexibility as any event can have an additional action to log what has happened.
- Great flexibility as any event can have an additional action to log what has happened.
In connection with notifications from the activity log, you can choose per user who should receive notifications about the activity log. At Handyman Mobile, you can also choose this for yourself.
Integrations and API
Several improvements and fixes have been made.
- For those who integrate with our invoice module, there is now better correct support for fixed price invoicing with many divisions.
- This is used by our integrations with Fortnox and Visma e-conomic
- Several fields in the invoice can be written to from an external system