Content - What this article is about?
1. General information - What is it about?
2. Import of Objects with template file
3. Errors in the import
4. History tab and the error file
1. General information - What is it about?
Release notes
This functionality is estimated to be included in a future release of Handyman Office
Short description
Import of Objects is an easy way to create numerous objects - sites and equipment's - in few steps, to an existing customer. Import of Objects is a functionality for importing basic data (sites and equipments) with the help of a downloadable excel template file.
When the template is downloaded, you can start copying your data to import into this file.
Imported objects can be seen in Handyman service module after import
Who can import objects?
The functionality is available only for Handyman Office users with user rights to import basic data.
Where is it?
To start an import go the Configuration in the main menu, select Basic Data and then Import menu.
How to to do it step-by-step?
How to do it with words?
- Select Configuration, Basic Data/File Import.
Then download the template file: 'Import of Assets' template.
If the customer does not exist, add as a new customer manually in Handyman Office.
Go back, browse your file and upload the completed template and click next in wizard.
Then import starts. You get a summary of what you are going to import, "the file contains": number of customers, sites, equipment and errors. Top ten errors with error messages are displayed.
- If there is an error, uploading is not allowed, the import button is disabled, and correct information (top 10 errors) is provided. In this case, error should be corrected and then start the import again.
When the import was completed, there is a summary of results in the History tab and the downloadable excel file with the failed item list and error messages. If the import was successful without any errors, there is, of course, no error file there.
Errors need to be corrected.
Uploading the corrected file again is a new import.
How many objects can be imported at the same time?
There is a limitation regarding the maximum number of assets, as the excel template deals with 3000 rows. Keep in mind that if only one item needs to be added, the process takes less time.
Uploading many objects can be a longer process.
2. The template file
What is it about shortly?
Import of Objects is a functionality for importing basic data (sites and equipments) with the help of a downloadable excel template file.
When the template was downloaded, you can start copying your data to import into this file.
Where the template file is?
The function is in Handyman Web.
To start an import go the Configuration in the main menu, select Basic Data and then Import menu.
Click on "Download template".
How to work with the template?
The template
It is an easy to use excel file with 2 worksheets.
You are working with the first one, named 'Import of object template', and completing the data you want to import. The second one, called "Help", is a quick help to understand:
- filed names
- type (input) format - e.g. in the Installed date field, it must be a date written as 2023-01-01
- explanation - help for the field names
Number of columns, name of the fields cannot be changed.
Mandatory fields
Mandatory fields must always be filled out. As help, mandatory and optional fields are marked with a different color. You can also find help in the 'Help' worksheet in the template file.
orange: Mandatory for both sites and equipment.
green: Mandatory to sites.
blue: Mandatory to equipment.
white: Not mandatory, optional.
grey: Error message, not to be completed by the user.
Optional fields are not mandatory to complete, but recommended if you have information.
Some fields have a drop-down list. (e.g. Type, Installation origin, Status, Country code)
Sorting me button
'Sort me' button can help organize hierarchy levels, since sites always need to come before their equipment. Otherwise, it will result in an error. If you use the 'sort me' button, please always save a copy of the file before sorting. There may be too many hierarchies to sort in the file and sorting may not be handled accurately. There is no possibility to sort back to the template and get back the original file version!
How to enable macros
Find information here:
Field names in the template
Field | Type/input format | Explanation |
Customer (number) | Number (positive integer, greater than 0) | Customer number, must exist in Handyman. Only Handyman ID is allowed. |
Site/equipment | Max of 20 characters | ID on the site/equipment to be imported |
Name | Max of 255 characters | Name on the site/equipment to be imported |
Type | Dropdown | Type of object, Site or equipment |
Category (number) | Number (positive integer, greater than 0) | Id of the site/equipment's category type, must exist in Handyman. Only Handyman ID is allowed. |
Some help for parent IDs | Parent ID is mandatory on all sub-sites and equipments. Parent can be specified with an Internal ID, which is Handyman's own ID, or/and with an External ID, which is the customer's ID. Internal ID is preferred to use as it is always unique. External ID is not necessarily unique in Handyman, several customers can have assets with the same external ID. If External ID is set as parent, the import will check whether the customer has several assets with the same external ID. Such lines will not be imported. If internal ID is set as parent, there is no corresponding check, since this ID is unique. - Site can be sub-site to another site - Site cannot be a sub-site to an equipment - Equipment must belong to a site - Equipment can be sub-equipment to another equipment |
Parent - External | Max of 20 characters | External ID on parent site/equipment, which the imported site/equipment should belong to. External parent must exist in Handyman. |
Parent - Handyman | Number (positive integer, greater than 0) | Handyman ID on parent site/equipment which the imported site/equipment should belong to. Handyman parent must exist in Handyman. |
Street name | Max of 40 characters | Site address - Name of the street |
Street number | Max of 10 characters | Site address - Street number |
Postal code | Max of 10 characters | Site address - Postal code |
Postal area | Max of 30 characters | Site address - Postal area |
Installation origin | Dropdown | Origin of the site/equipment |
Status | Dropdown | - New - Installed - installed from before - Paused - site/equipment is in paused mode - Historical - the site/equipment is not active anymore |
Installed date | YYYY-MM-DD | Date of the installation |
Department (number) | Number (positive integer, greater than 0) | ID of the department to which site/equipment belongs. Only Handyman ID is allowed. |
Responsible (number) | Number (positive integer, greater than 0) | ID of the person who will be responsible on site / equipment. The person must exist in Handyman. Only Handyman ID is allowed. |
Preferred employee 1 (number) | Number (positive integer, greater than 0) | ID of preferred employee/technician 1 |
Preferred employee 2 (number) | Number (positive integer, greater than 0) | ID of preferred employee/technician 2 |
Last service date | YYYY-MM-DD | Date of last service |
Last repair date | YYYY-MM-DD | Date of last repair |
Manufacturing date | YYYY-MM-DD | Manufacturing date |
Warranty start date | YYYY-MM-DD | Warranty start date |
Warranty period | Number of month, Number (positive integer, greater than or equal to 0) | Warranty period in number of months |
Scanner ID | Max of 255 characters | Scanner ID |
Travel distance | Number (00.00) (positive, two decimals) | Travel distance, the usual is from the office to the department that may be set up as owner on the site / equipment |
Estimated traveltime | Number of minutes (positive integer, greater than or equal to 0) | Estimated travel time |
Equipment placed | Max of 8000 characters | Equipment placed |
Equipment serves | Max of 8000 characters | Equipment serves |
Manufacturer | Max of 255 characters | Manufacturer |
Model | Max of 255 characters | Model |
Serial Number | Max of 255 characters | Serial number |
Comment | Max characters | Comment |
AddressName | Max of 60 characters | Site address - Name of the address |
Latitude | Number (positive integer, greater than or equal to 0) | Latitude, WGS84 format (in millionths of degree) in 8 digits format without comma and dot. Eg.: N 47.480074 -> 47480074 |
Longitude | Number (positive integer, greater than or equal to 0) | Longitude, WGS84 format (in millionths of degree) in 8 digits format without comma and dot. Eg.: E 19.02686 -> 19026860 |
Address 2 | Max of 40 characters | Site address - Address 2 |
Address 3 | Max of 50 characters | Site address - Address 3 |
Address 4 | Max of 50 characters | Site address - Address 4 |
Country | Dropdown | Site address - Country |
Import message | Not to fill in this field | Error message can be read here after the import was done, errors can be filtered |
3. Error in the import
Double error check - what are these?
There is a formal check after you uploaded the file and the import was started.
There is a data check when the actual import occurs. At this point all data is in the right format, all mandatory cells are completed.
Formal check
After downloading the completed excel file containing all the data you want to import, there is a formal validation. It is more about checking the file format, not the data in the cells.
The first 10 errors are shown.
If there is an error, uploading is not allowed, the import button is disabled, and correct information (top 10) is provided. So the user can understand what the problem was during the formal validation and the error can be corrected.
Error codes can be:
There Is No Data: There is no data in mandatory field “x” in line “y”
Number Of Columns I s Not The Same As In The Template File: Number of columns is not the same as in the template file
Not The Same Columns As In The Template File: Not the same columns as in the template file
Not Number": “x” is not a number in line “y”
Not Correct Date Format": “x” is not in correct format (YYYY-MM-DD) in line “y”
Not Correct Select Value": "x" is not a correct value. Please select from the selection list on line
File Format Error: The file format is not .xls or .xlsx
Completed by the user: "x" is completed by the user. It is a system message, leave it empty in line "y"
Is not a number or is written incorrectly: "x" is not a number or it is written incorrectly. Write it like: 10.55 in line “y”
Longer Than: “x” is longer than “y” characters in line “z"
4. History tab and error file
What happens with the import before you have a history log in History tab?
History tab
When the import was done, in History tab you find a result summary and a downloadable excel file with the failed record list with error messages.
If the import was successful without any errors, of course, no error file is there.
Error file
Failed elements are marked in red in the downloadable error file. Import error message helps you understand what the error was, which field is missing or was not filled out correctly.
They need to be manually corrected in the error file (accepted file formats: xls, xlsx, xlsm). To complete the process, you should upload the file again.
This functionality can be used to edit, add new data to already existing objects as well.
Result summary
In History tab there is a log on import history with information on:
File name: name of the file that was uploaded
Status of the import: in progress (pending), finished successfully, finished with errors
Date: date of import
User name: uploaded by
Summary: it is a system log, shows results what was successfully uploaded or failed
Errors: downloadable file with errors
Common errors
All items should have an external ID, an ID that is unique.
If mandatory fields are not completed, the item cannot be successfully uploaded.
If there is an error in any of the fields, the item cannot be successfully uploaded.
Multiple errors in a row: only one error message is written in the error file for each row. This is always the first one in the sequence. If there are multiple errors after a row, the import will fail again. But a new error message will be in the error file.
Parent and child hierarchy: all equipment need to have a site. Sites can have sites and equipment can have equipment. In the template, higher hierarchical levels should come before lower ones. If the equipment comes before the page in the template, the equipment cannot be uploaded as it does not have a page. So Site must come before its equipment.
Customer, Site with an address, Equipment Type, Equipment Category, Department Responsible Preferred technician must exist in Handyman.
Import stops at the first empty row, check if there is any.
Pictures, attachments
They are not allowed.