Before you begin, ensure that the initial setup has been successfully completed, as explained in this article.
The extension comes with a default configuration that allows you to use Handyman and Business Central for a basic service process.
To meet specific requirements, you can configure the extension with various settings available on this page: Handyman --> Periodic Activities --> Basic data and settings
Tooltips provide the necessary information to configure individual settings.
Additionally, we want to highlight some settings that must be configured if you want to use the related functionality:
- Settings - Orders - Number for miscellaneous items: The item number entered here must exist as a non-inventory item in BC. The same item number must be entered in Handyman Office in Configuration - Company - Logistics - Item number for miscellaneous items. Material without an item number will be assigned this number.
- Projects - Job Journal Template / Batch: If you want to use Projects/Jobs, you must enter the job journal template/batch to be used for updating the project with registration from Handyman.
- Inbound Store Movements: If store movements from Handyman should be processed in BC, you must configure all three of the following settings.
- Automation: See the article on automation.
- Import purchase orders from Handyman as transfer orders: Make sure Business Central is set up to allow the creation of transfer orders with manual numbers.