Product catalog
Creating a new supplier
Creating a new item
Importing a price list
Settings for the entire company
Settings per department
Handyman Mobile - General
Handyman Mobile - Automatic connections
Creating users
Official in charge
Mobile users
Cost elements
Order categories
Groups for employees
Trade group
Cost element group
Sending E-mail
This document serves as a user manual to help you easily get started. It complements the product documentation and training provided by Handyman consultants.
The document summarizes the important steps in basic configuration and recommends an order for configuring the individual components.
For setting up complex systems, it is recommended to seek assistance from a Handyman consultant.
The Handyman system consists of three main components:
- Handyman Office - the workplace for planners and service/project managers.
- Handyman Mobile - the app for service technicians.
- Handyman Connect - the customer portal for your customers.
To use this quick start guide, you need a Handyman Office user with system administrator rights.
Reference to elements in the Handyman user interface is shown with screenshots.
The Handyman system includes a product catalogue for recording the consumption of materials on orders. In Handyman, the terms "product" and "material" are used interchangeably.
Goods are associated with suppliers, and at least one supplier must be created in order to register material consumption. The goods are entered into the supplier's price list.
The document does not cover warehouse management with inventory and counting.
Create a new supplier
To create a new supplier, go to Logistics - Supplier - New and enter the supplier's number and name.
Later, the supplier can be made available to individual employees via trade groups.
Create a new item
To create a new item, go to Logistics - Supplier - Price list - Price list items - New and complete the mandatory fields for each item.
Import a price list
To import a price list, go to Logistics - Import price list and follow the instructions in Handyman Office help.
Settings for the entire company
To configure settings for the entire company, go to Configuration - Company - Company and enter the most important data for your company.
Settings per department
Larger service organizations can create departments in Handyman to divide the company into different professional areas, regions, areas of expertise, etc.
Creating departments allows for printing various company information in reports, department-specific settings for automatic report generation, access restrictions, department-specific naming of fields, and use of different configurations of Handyman in different departments.
Using multiple departments can provide adapted routines for workflow and documentation requirements, but it also increases complexity. It is recommended to use multiple departments only if necessary.
Handyman Mobile - General
To configure Handyman Mobile settings for a department, go to Configuration - Department: Edit - Settings - Handyman Mobile and adjust the settings as needed.
Handyman Mobile - Automatic connections
To configure automatic connections for Handyman Mobile, go to Configuration - Department: Edit - Settings - Automatic connections and adjust the settings as needed.
Create users
To create users, go to Configuration - User: New and enter the required information for each user.
Official in charge
For employees in charge, enter the necessary values such as name, user ID, employee number, and department.
To use Handyman Office, the user must be assigned a license and a role corresponding to their function.
Mobile users
For service technicians using Handyman Mobile, enter the necessary values such as name, employee number, and department.
To use Handyman Mobile, a license must be assigned to the user.
Group configuration for employees can be done later.
Checklists are used for documentation in Handyman, such as completing test reports, measurement protocols, maintenance checklists, and final checks.
To create a new checklist, go to Configuration - Checklist: New and follow the instructions.
Cost elements
Cost elements are used to record hourly consumption and other costs carried out by employees, such as wages, travel time, and travel allowance.
To configure cost elements, go to Configuration - Cost element: New and adjust the settings as needed.
Order categories
Order categories are used to distinguish between different types of orders/assignments and determine rules for planning, implementation, and documentation requirements.
To configure order categories, go to Configuration - Category - Order category: New and adjust the settings as needed.
Groups for employees
Groups are used to determine which employees have access to which basic data in Handyman.
To create groups for employees, go to Configuration - Group - New and adjust the settings as needed.
Trade group
Trade groups determine which price lists and checklists are available to members of the group.
To configure trade groups, select Trade group and select the desired price lists, checklists, and employees.
Cost element group
Cost element groups determine which pay types each employee can use.
To configure cost element groups, select Salary type group and select the desired wage types and employees.
Sending Emails
To send reports and messages via email from Handyman, an email server must be defined.
To define an email server, go to System - Settings - Email and enter the required information.
Emails from Handyman Mobile are sent via the mobile's standard email setup or another configured email server in Handyman Mobile.