Create order via Resource Planner
The button on the left side of the order toolbar in the Resource Planner is used to created new orders.
This will activate the short form order wizard.
First you need to select a customer for the order and if you want to make a service or repair order you have to select a site or equipment connected to the customer.
Some information will be required before you can complete this form.
To clarify this there will be a status at the bottom of the window that points to what is missing.
Once you have filled out everything you need you can either press 'Save and exit' to return to the order or 'Save and plan' to go back to the Resource planner.
Planning orders in the calendar
- If a main participant for the order was selected during creation a task will automatically appear in this user's timeline.
- If no main participant was selected the order will be placed under 'Unplanned orders'.
- The placement on the timeline will correspond to the planned start and finish time set for the order.
- To assign an order you can simply drag the task in the planner to an employee.
- If the Resource Planner settings allow it, placing the task on a different day will change the planned dates for the order.
- To assign the same order to more than one employee you either drag the task from the order filter or hold Ctrl while dragging the task from an existing participant.
- The color of the task label indicates what state the task is in for the given participant.
- Where one participant needs to work longer on an order it is possible to drag the task border to cover multiple dates, or hours if the detail level in the Resource Planner is set to show them.
Planning order directly
From the Order view, you can add more details to an order.
Once you have filled in the information in the order wizard window, as shown at the top of this article, you can choose 'Save and finish' in stead of 'Save and plan'.
This will create the order and take you to the Order view instead of opening the Resource Planner.
The order you just created is automatically in focus. Here you can view and fill in additional information about the order.
For example, you can add more participants to the order from here:
- The first participant added to the order will be the main participant automatically.
- By searching or filtering the list on the right hand side you can add more participants one by one or the whole list.
- As long as the order is checked for planning each participant added will receive a task in the planner on the same dates that are set as the planned start and finish dates on the order.
- Clicking the 'Plan order' button on the left hand side will open the Resource Planner on the order's planned dates.
For orders containing service forms the combined execution time for the service forms will be set as the duration of the order.