To export basic data, follow these steps:
- Select the individual records to be exported:
- This applies to all basic data except store movements, service items, and service item group codes.
- By selecting individual records, you can avoid exporting a long list of elements. For example, you can export only the work types used by field service resources in Handyman.
- In the Navigation Pane, click on Handyman - Planning and then sequentially on all sub-entries starting with "Salespersons / Purchasers".
- This opens the corresponding list.
- There are three different options to select the individual records to be exported, depending on the type of basic data:
- Open the list in edit mode and check the checkbox "Export to Handyman" for all entries that should be exported.
- Open the record card and check the checkbox "Export to Handyman" for each entry that should be exported.
- Open the list and use the Menu Action "Mark All" from the Actions Bar to activate the checkbox for all entries in the list. The command "Mark All" applies to the visible entries of the list and respects applied filters.
- To change your selection, use the command "Unmark All" from the Ribbon. This deactivates the checkbox "Export to Handyman" for all visible entries in the list. Filters applied will be respected. Note that entries already exported will remain in the Handyman database.
- For work types, additional configuration is required as described in the article on Cost element setup.
- For miscellaneous items, follow these steps:
- Set the setting for an item.
- Enter the code in the settings page.
- Export the settings to Handyman.
- Select all types of basic data you want to export on the page "Basic data and settings":
- Open the page "Basic data and settings" in edit mode.
- Activate the option for all basic data you want to export. Typically, you would activate the option for all data types you processed in step 1.
- Start the export:
- To start the export, use the command "Export from standard tables" or "Export from outbound tables" from the ribbon, depending on your integration.
- The standard integration uses the export from standard Business Central tables. Advanced, customized integrations may use the export via outbound tables. For export from outbound tables, more options are available. Check with your system administrator.
- After the export, the timestamp for the last export is written in the corresponding field for any kind of data.