When a supplier updates their prices, these will either be sent by email or posted on their FTP server. Customers who do not receive automatic updates of price lists via an ERP system will have to manually update their price lists in Handyman Office. This article describes how to manually update a price list.
Handyman Office
- Download the price file and the discount file from the supplier and save them in an easily accessible folder, eg 'Downloads' or 'Documents'.
- The process consists of 3 main steps:
Delete existing price and discount file
- Navigate to the Logistics module > Supplier (1) > and select the supplier to be updated (2).
- Select "Supplier's catalogue" tab (3)
- In the "Supplier's catalog entries" menu on the left, click "Delete all.. (4)" to delete the existing price list
- In the "Supplier" menu, click "Import supplier's catalogue"
- An application called "Handyman article import" is opened
- Navigate to "Discount" (1) to add the discount file
- If the correct supplier is already selected in the dropdown list, remove the selection by choosing another supplier, and then select the correct supplier again. This is to update the discount file list (2)
- Click "Delete All" (3)
Read the price file
- Navigate to "Itemlist"
- In the Supplier dropdown menu, select the correct supplier from the list. ("Delete all" should now be disabled to indicate that there are no existing items for the supplier)
- Click "Read item file"
- Locate the price file you downloaded earlier, and select it > Click Open
- You should now see article items in the list below, and also name of the file you selected in "File Name"
Read the discount file
- Navigate to "Discount" menu to add the discount file
- In the dropdown menu Supplier, select the correct supplier from the list. ("Delete all" should now be disabled to indicate that there are no existing discounted items from the supplier)
- Click "Read discount file"
- Locate the discount file you downloaded earlier, and select it > Click Open
- You should now see the list below being populated with items
Create the price list
- Navigate to "Pricelist" (1)
- Select the supplier from the Supplier drop-down (2)
- If a list of article items is populated below, please click "Delete all" before continue to the next step
- Choose to create the price list based on "list price + markup" or "cost price + markup" by selecting the point next to the appropriate option. (3)
- Click "Update prices" (4)
- This process may take some time, and it may appear that Handyman is crashing. If the application banner says "not responding", it means it is still functioning. Please have patience.
- When done you will see the newly created price list being populated in the section below the "Drag a column header here to group by that column"
- Close the window/application
- You are done!