Version 2.14.0
2.14.0 - 26.05.2023
Service history reports from server
When server reports on Mobile is enabled in your Handyman solution, all historical Service reports, Order summaries and Checklist reports is sent to mobile as the server version of the reports.
This way all images, signatures is visible for the field user giving much better information on what has been done before.
Get Circuit list document from server
Same situation here. When server reports is enabled on Mobile, the server version of the Circuit list report can be downloaded to the mobile.
Option to hide time info in H&C screen
A new local setting lets you hide the info panel for previous registrations when new Hours & Costs registrations is created.
Show Map on Travel log trip
When looking at a Travel Log trip detail information, a map wit the start and stop positions of the trip is displayed. You can click on the pins to start navigation or to see Street view (iOS and Andrid only).
Show live position of Fleet assets in the map
If you have GSGroup Fleet system, and want to see live position of you assets on the Mobile, this is now possible.
Green markers indicate live position of the Fleet asset. The black marker is the registered address for the site.
Activate multiple free orders in one operation
This functionality is available when Handyman Office 9.8.1 is released in June 2023.
- Scanning improvements on iOS
- Measuring value is now displayed in service task list
- Customer comment visibility when creating new orders. This field is used in many integrations to indicate if customer is blocked or should not be used to create new orders.
Info icon is clickable in the list of customers:
In the customer details, the info text is now clearly visible: - Main order field is now editable until first sync for new orders
Other changes and improvements
In addition, we have also fixed various issues reported by our users to improve stability and performance.
Version 2.13.5
2.13.5 - 10.03.2023
Important fixes
- Pressing the quick-area on planned material it will now automatically use default values for store, wholesaler and groupings if it is missing from the registration
Other changes and improvements
In addition, we have also fixed various issues reported by our users to improve stability and performance.
Version 2.13.3
2.13.3 - 20.02.2023
New functionality
- Personal setting to show the main order field (May have different terminology in your Handyman) in the order list
- Search for site/equipment now includes searching in Placed and Serves fields
SFTP servers for sending purchase orders to wholesalers and getting delivery notes is now supported
- Several wholesalers is now changing to SFTP servers
- Open reports in full screen (order summary, checklist etc)
- Time input reminder now support holiday type salary code registrations as public holidays and restrictions are applied
Improved readability of status info when adding Hours & Costs
- Several improvements in the PDF editor when making comments to PDF documents
- History for service tasks and checklist now will show older values if previous value was not filled
- Single line control for Start/Stop dates in the Order ->General and My Tasks page
New Norwegian standards to be included as options in the declaration of conformity
NEK 420:2010 and NEK 420A:2016
Important fixes
- Groupings from order category are now inherited correctly to quotes
- Improved the sensitivity of scanning barcodes
- Order history for site/equipment is now sorted by finish date
- Full support of “store set as a not visible” rule
- Support decimals for travel distance field
- Data missing in XML for Order Summary/Checklist (improved content in the reports with custom XSLT)
Other changes and improvements
In addition, we have also fixed various issues reported by our users to improve stability and performance.
Versjon 2.12.6
2.12.6 - 17.11.2022
This release fixes issues with QR-code scanning.
Versjon 2.12.2
2.12.2 - 03.10.2022
This release has improvements in the date-picker and support for Contracting Works license.
Version 2.12.1
2.12.1 - 12.09.2022
Major improvements in the way of entering time
Together with many of our users, we have looked at what we can do to become even better at entering time quickly and correctly. This has resulted in a number of improvements and new features in this version:
- New overview of the last weeks entries so that you can easily see if you have entered all that is required
- Fewer clicks to enter time
- Faster way to choose from and to time
- The time for an entire day is entered with one click
- All additional information is in the same screen so that you don't have to go in and out of sub-screens to enter information
- Groups of information can be hidden and displayed with one click
- Groups of information can be hidden and displayed with one click
Get suggestions for entering time based on today's planned time from the Resource planner
- When everything goes according to plan, it is quick to enter the correct time
- It is easy to change or select only parts of the proposal
Copy all registrations from a previous day on an order
- Very practical if you work on projects that last many days
Other changes and improvements
- Handyman support available in the app
- If you have your own login, you can also view your support cases
- If you have your own login, you can also view your support cases
- Separate connection setting for Handyman Cloud
- Time input reminder now takes into account movable holidays and holidays registered in Handyman Office
- Better layout when larger text is used
- When time is entered from the Travel log, the time information will be copied to the registration if this is required on the Cost element
- QR-code/NFC scanning
- Settings: clientname (Multi-client company-name) and userid (employee-number) can now be used so that it is possible to share URL's to specific clients and persons to get quickly started with Handyman
- Enter time registrations by scanning a QuickList
- See more details here
- Option to use an external PDF application. (Under Settings->General)
PDF editing is supported by default in the app, but some advanced PDF forms require the Adobe PDF app to work.
In addition, we have also fixed various issues reported by our users to improve stability and performance.
Versjon 2.11.0
2.11.0 - 25.05.2022
New functionality
- New synchronising progress view. It is now easier to see when you will be done, and what happens during the synchronisation
- Support for new functionality in the Event module
- New type of event: Relative to when the order is scheduled to be finished.
- Allows for automatic notifications when the deadline for completion is approaching
- Add notes to events. Enter additional information related to the event
- Manual events can now be dependent on each other so that you can control the order in which events/tasks can be done
- Events can now be used to mark when an order has been started
- New type of event: Relative to when the order is scheduled to be finished.
Travel log: Select several trips in the list and turn them into private trips with one touch.
Press the "P" button when the trips are selected
- Android: Handyman can now use the Floor Plan Creator app to edit advanced drawings of rooms and their contents to document what is being done in a building
- The Floor Plan Creator app is only avialable on Android
- The Floor Plan Creator app is only avialable on Android
- Registration of material can now be done with QR codes
- See more info on how to create the QR-codes here
- New icon for dictionaries
We have also this time fixed various issues reported by our users to get better stability and performance.
version 2.10.5
2.10.5 - 30.03.2022
- Rules for hiding prices according to settings in Office are now handled correctly
version 2.10.3
2.10.3 - 25.03.2022
- Reports from Handyman Office: Declaration of Conformity is not available. The same applies to all reports on internal orders.
- NFC writing-improvements on iOS.
version 2.10.0
2.10.0 - 08.02.2022
New functionality
- PDF documents are now displayed inside the app, and it is possible to edit and comment in the document.
- Reports from Handyman Office can now be viewed and sent to the customer directly from mobile. New selection in the order menu. (Requires Office 9.6.3).
- Support for writing to NFC chips in the iOS version. "Miface 1k Classic" user is not supported yet.
- When a checklist ends, synchronization can start immediately. (Requires Office 9.6.2)
- Support for new settings in Handyman Office to hide price from some wholesalers. (Requires Office and 9.6.2)
- Support for new settings in Handyman Office to hide storage locations such as no longer in use. (Requires Office 9.6.2)
- Image editing now supports multiple line types
- Support for new settings in Handyman Office for optimized synchronization speed. (Requires Office 9.6.3)
We have also fixed various issues reported by our users to get better stability and performance.
version 2.9.1
2.9.1 - 15.11.2021
New functionality
- Ordering goods from a wholesaler can now be linked to the department's main warehouse (Requires Office 9.6)
- Quick view can now be used to view all kinds of documents on iOS
- Support for system font size settings (iOS and Android)
- It is now possible to specify a secondary customer when creating an order (Requires Office 9.6)
- Registrations with 0 in number can now be deleted after synchronization.
- New standard NEK 400: 2022 available when filling out Declaration of Conformity
We have also fixed various issues reported by our users to get better stability and performance.
version 2.8.3 - 02.09.2021
New functionality
- New calendar view in My tasks
- Personal appointments should no longer be created in the external calendar.
- Repeat appointments will be supported in a later version.
- Choose between list or calendar view by clicking on the tabs.
- All order statements and personal appointments are displayed in the new calendar. Absences that are recorded are also displayed.
- You can change your schedule by dragging and dropping tasks in the calendar. New tasks can be added.
- The calendar has several views selected from the side menu: Day, Week, month and timeline.
- You can view all other calendars you have access to on your device in the calendar so that you get a full overview in the app.
- Personal appointments are now created and edited directly in the app.
- The external Handyman calendar is constantly updated so that the phone alerts work as before.
- Commands in QR codes and NFC tags.
- Cost bearers / divisions can be specified in the command for registration of time.
- More information about this can be found here
- URL in price list / material is displayed in material info. Click on the link to go to since.
- Create new order: Repair order is the default option if equipment is selected.
- Improvements to Android 11 document management.
- Supports new rules for handling scheduled materials in the Handyman Office 9.5.2
- Supports new options for handling standard checklists by order category and equipment in Handyman Office 9.5.2
We have also fixed various issues reported by our users to get better stability and performance.
version 2.7.3 - 14.07.2021
Important fixes
- Fixed a bug that caused the transfer of data to the financial system again
version 2.7.1 - 16.06.2021 (
New functionality
- Service Module - Some features require Office version 9.5.1
- Completing service tasks now has the same interface as checklists. Instructions and the Previous / Next buttons can be found in the detail screen.
- All data types found in checklists can now be used in service forms (9.5.1).
- Notes can be posted on equipment. Note history is always available when performing service (9.5.1).
- Manual sorting of order on service forms in Handyman Office used when performing service and in the service report. (9.5.1).
- Repair order: The customer's incorrect description is no longer required.
- The quote report now shows fixed price quotes correctly.
- Number formatting in reports has been improved.
- Improvements to wholesale services.
We have also fixed various issues reported by our users to get better stability and performance.
version 2.6.2 - 06.04.2021 (
New functionality
- Scanning QR codes and NFC tags
- Handyman can now be controlled from the outside using commands in QR codes and NFC chips.
- This can be used to search for equipment or orders. In addition, one can set sync address and record hours quickly via QR codes.
- More information is available here
- Automatic scanning of NFC chips without the app being active for iPhone Xs and newer
- Modification of equipment on repair and installation order
- It is now possible to add and remove equipment from such orders.
- When new orders are created, you can also add more equipment to the same order
- Handyman Office version 9.4.3 is required to use this feature
- List of equipment
- You can now choose what you want to see in the list in the same way as in the order list. Click the Page menu to configure the content.
- The app remembers your settings for each place the list appears so that you can see what is important depending on where you are in the app.
- Search the order list
- Search for equipment now also finds orders where the equipment is one of several equipment on the order.
- New section to view or search all orders
- Order overview or checklist report is now available from the signature screen when you or the customer signs.
We have also fixed various issues reported by our users to get better stability and performance.
version 2.5.5 - 10.02.2021 (
Important bugfixes
- Fixed restriction requirements in Hourly Forecast
version 2.5.3 - 02.02.2021 (
Important fixes
- Better event handling performance
- Correction of visibility of icons for Android 11 users on some phone types
version 2.5.0 - 16.12.2020 (
Changed functionality
- Search in equipment list - Treats spaces as AND criteria as in other list searches
- It is now not allowed to delete planned material on an order
- Declaration of conformity dialog: No default values are filled in automatically and changed validation rule
- Hourly forecast calculation has been improved and is based on a new technical solution
- Increased indentation to submenus in the main menu. Makes it easier to see submenus
- Video and audio documents are handled correctly in view mode
- File sharing with Excel / Word has been improved on all platforms
- Geotagging is preserved when you edit or add photos
- Performance improvements in driving license and material handling
- iPhone: The background color at the top and bottom is now correct on iPhone X and later
We have also made several corrections and improvements in document management, NFC, checklists and more reported by our users for better stability and performance.
version 2.4.3 - 21.10.2020 (
Bug fixes
- Images on the service form could be overwritten when more images were added on the same service form
- Quick list button was not visible after the previous update
version 2.4.2 - 24.09.2020 (
New functionality
- Move materials and hours between orders
- Move all non-synchronized or single-entry records. If the registration is already synchronized, a counter-entry is created automatically.
- Faster checklist completion
- The quick area on the left now applies to all types of questions. After filling of answer, the next point is displayed automatically
- New layout in the list shows response type and value for all points
- Instructions appear directly in the detail image for the point
- Updated hourly overview - Sum per wage type is finally shown in the report
- Updated order overview - New selection in settings for summing hours and material on the same item number / wage type
- Scanning the barcode in the material list on order will now edit the existing one registration or create a new one automatically.
We have also fixed various issues reported by our users to get better stability and performance.
version 2.3.4 - 16.07.2020 (
New functionality
- Updated design of date selector makes it faster to enter date and time
- Automatic time calculation also applies to wage types for additional time
- Users' current location is shown on the map
- New image editing capabilities
- Speed improvements when adding or editing photos
- The order list is updated faster
- Divisions / cost bearers are now remembered between registrations on the same order
- Directed storage of course listings before synchronization Fixed issues with partial receipt of orders
- Fixed problems connecting to driving license via 4G with some telecom operators
We have also fixed various issues reported by our users to get better stability and performance.
version 2.2.1 - 20.05.2020 (
- Fixed bug where material could not be registered when there were no storage locations available
version 2.2 - 05.05.2020 (
New functionality
- Discount in percent can be specified per row for registration of material and hours and costs
- Information about the contents of "closed" item packages can now be displayed (requires Handyman Office 9.4 or later)
- More detailed rights for editing equipment are supported (Requires Handyman Office 9.4 or later)
- Improved handling of item prices and local stock updates
- Search for items from groups now supports items at all levels in the group structure
- Course list: Changed entry of Supply Cable from number to number and letters
We have also fixed various issues reported by our users to get better stability and performance.
version 2.1.1 - 06.04.2020 (
Bug fixes
- Barcode scanning did not work in lists and material searches
- It was not possible to add new items to subdivision lists (Cost bearers) and points)
version 2.1 - 17.03.2020 (
New functionality
- New app icon layout
- Slightly improved app launch speed
- Support for stock updates based on planned materials. (Handyman Office 9.2.2 or later required)
Bug fixes
- The rate is reset when the wage type is changed when registering hours
- Corrected handling of decimal separators when entering numbers
- Quotations can now be created from the order menu
- Course list has been updated in accordance with the NELFO standard. Cross section allows now text in the form 2x3x240, 3x240 or 4G240
- Corrected display of course list after new course list was added
- Improved error message for connection problems in logbook
- Fixed bug when merging logbook trips
- Search results are reset when the search panel is closed
- Removed the ability to enter in numbers on pay type registration
- Corrected salvage of hours for the current week
- Fixed error saving 0 in number during inventory count
- List of orders is updated after sending the order
- Corrected errors when sending order via email or phone
- Fixed various stops in the app
version 2.0 - 17.02.2020 (
New functionality
- Added support for the new Handyman Office resource planner. Requires Handyman Office 9.2.1 or higher
- Added user-level rights management to change order category. Requires Handyman Office 9.2.1 or higher
- Support for new URL document type. Requires Handyman Office 9.2.2 or higher
- Added timeout setting "minutes" in the hours & cost time picks
Bug fixes
- Added missing translations
- Corrected the use of decimal separators for prices in the material list
- Fixed texts that were cut in the material list description for UWP
- Changed the accept button in purchase orders to a floating button
- Removed a strange error message when deleting a delivery note failed
- Corrected deletion of files the next time a user retrieves a delivery note from the same FTP server where a previous deletion failed
- Fixed the display of customers by search and added a new customer from Office
- Fixed adjustment of amounts in purchase order list
- Moved the calculate button on the first page when time entry is required on pay code
- Fixed silent crash when updating calendar events
- Minor performance improvement at application startup. Clean-up of temporary staff is not done at startup of the application, but after each synchronization
- Improved visibility of travel and pause icons in timers
- Show BackOfficeID instead of handymanID for last used order in the Screen "Known order number".
- Fixed incorrect validation in "Absence" screen
- Updates information in the screen header of the date selector when the user changes the value selector
- Fixed grouping deviation to add / remove / replace material
- Fixed the display of incorrect fields for Lonnsart.IdBaksystem, in TMS Time Report
- Fixed the display of the correct screen after completing the order
- Fixed Missing Cost Element Number Display in Hours & amp; cost list for quote
- Fixed the missing update of the TimerEvent table when syncing of a new order created on the mobile
- Fixed "Empty memory" exception when uploading mobile database
- Directed use of external order number Service. (External web service to download order number)
- Fixed the missing characters in the hourly summary report when the cost element numbers contain non-numeric values
- Fixed wrong quantity in Office when material received for a purchase order
- Fixed incorrect price for unit amount in quotation. The price was 0