Overview over changes made to the Handyman API and Common API related to Handyman Office versions.
Detailed documentation is at:
Common API | api.gsgroup.io |
Handyman API |
Example: Dependent of Handyman API configuration in the Handyman ControlCenter |
Version 9.6.5
New features
Authorisation per endpoint
Det er nu muligt at begrænse adgangen for hver endpoint, når der bruges en tokenbaseret autorisation. Dette vil normalt være af interesse, når du skal give partnere/leverandører adgang til din Handyman via API-adgang i et specielt integrationscenarie. Kontakt venligst GSGoup for mere information om, hvordan du bruger denne funktion.
Support for both internal and external address for HM-API URL
Afhængigt af infrastrukturen kan det være nødvendigt at konfigurere to URL'er, hvis serverrapporter i Handyman Mobile ikke kan nås med den aktuelle API-URL. Konfigurationen udføres i Handyman ControlCenter. Kontakt venligst GSGroup, hvis dette er et problem.
Handyman Office og Sync understøtter at sende beskeder til Azure Service Bus for at signalere, hvilke ordrer eller andre enheder der skal eksporteres fra Handyman. Dette bruges i API-baserede integrationer for at have en beskedbaseret integrationsflow. Der vil komme mere dokumentation senere.
New APIs
Endpoint | Purpose | Comment |
weboffice/quotes |
messagelogs | Insert messages to Handymans message log. |
Useful for logging exceptions from integrations so that it will be easier to troubleshoot. Also to be used for logging normal events related to import/export of data. See here for instructions on how to use |
Changes in existing APIs
Endpoint | Change | Comment |
all order endpoints with dates | DateTimeBehaviour paramteter is added to support writing and reading dates as UTC value |
Possible values:
SyncStatus field added |
0 = not sent to ERP For material and salary codes registrations, quantity should be <> 0 before sending to ERP.
When record is updated, it is automatically set to 2
See here for description of minimum records for updated SyncStatus. |
orders | DoNotSetAsPassive is now handled as in the XML API. |
Set to "true" to avoid finished orders to på historical until ERP has completed the order. |
orders/salarycodes |
Removed requirement for mandatory fields
orders/material |
Removed requirement for mandatory fields
orders |
ExternaID will now not be overwritten if empty or not provided |
orders/document |
Metadata can now be changed without providing the document binary data |
orders |
Message field for orders is now supporting configuration per contract and concatenating with manual text:
Swagger update - "parameter." prefix removed from complex parameter objects |
Improved error feedback if post/get requests fail |
Versjon 9.6.4
Important fixes
Endpoint | Fix | Comment |
orders |
Placeringen opretter en ny adresse hver gang. BackofficeID eller HsID havde ingen effekt. |
settings |
Logo was not returned as image/binary |
Versjon 9.6.3
Important fixes
Endpoint | Fix | Comment |
orders |
InvoiceStatus was not updated |
orders | EstimatedHours was mandatory field | Requirement removed |
orders/material | locking rules was not correct | |
orders | Location validation rules is too strict | Kun fælles API. Brugte samme regler som for kundeadresser. Nu mindre streng. |