A special type of events is used to track Service Level Agreement (SLA) contracts. These events get their deadline values from the connected service contract.
Defining an SLA event template
First, an event template using the SLA event types must be defined. Three different event types are possible:
- SLA response time - Time from order creation to response must be given
- SLA On-site response time - Time from order creation until technician has arrived On-site
- SLA Repair time - Time relative to On-site response time when repair must be finished (This event type is only available if On-site response time event is defined)
It is not necessary to define all three types of events in a template, but you should have one template for each combination of SLA events.
NOTE! These event templates must not be connected to order categories. Handyman will automatically add the events to the order when it is used by an SLA on a contract.
Defining Event template for the SLA definition
Now we can configure the global SLA definition to use the event template. In the service module configuration, we change the SLA definition to point to the defined event template.
Usage of SLA in contract
Global SLA’s can be connected to specific contracts. More than one SLA can be defined in a contract with different event templates. The default values for the SLA deadlines can be adjusted for the specific contract.
Resulting events
The system will automatically add the events from the associated event template to the order linked to the contract. This applies to both service orders and repair orders. If more than one SLA is defined in the contract, the SLA for the specific order must be selected.
Documenting SLA performance
A special report is available that will report the result of the SLA events used in all contracts. This report is available on request and will be a part of the standard reports in a coming Handyman update.
The report can be filtered on customers, contracts and period of time.