With Handyman Mobile 2.6, we introduced a feature called "deep linking" that allows users to control the app with their own commands. These commands can be initiated by using shortcuts that start with "handyman://".
Initially, we created a set of commands that can be used through QR codes and NFC tags. However, you can also enter these commands directly into your internet browser. These commands are used for various purposes such as finding orders or equipment, configuring settings, or tracking hours on orders.
To use the QR code scanner, you can either use the phone's built-in scanner or scan within the Handyman Mobile app if the feature is available. It is not necessary for the app to be active as it will automatically launch when a Handyman command is scanned.
If you program NFC chips with information about equipment in the app, the corresponding command will be automatically written to the chip, enabling automatic reading.
Available Commands
These commands will replace the current settings and synchronize immediately. This allows you to quickly set up new users.
By using the client name (clientname) and employee number (userid) parameters, you can create a URL for a single client or a personalized URL.
- handyman://settings?syncaddress=xxx.xxx&port=1300
- handyman://settings?syncaddress=xxx.xxx&port=1300&clientname=xx+y&userid=zz
- clientname is only used when multiclient is active. It represents the name of the client. Use + to represent blank characters in the name.
- userid is the employee number for the user.
- handyman://equipment?id=xxxx
- handyman://equipment?serialnumber=xxxx
- handyman://equipment?scanningvalue=xxxx
If the equipment list is active, it is searched there, otherwise the order list is displayed and it is searched there. If the result is only one item, details for this are displayed.
- handyman://order?id=xxxx
Search for orders with the specified order number. If only one order is found, the order menu for the order is displayed. If more than one is found, the order list is filtered by order number. This can happen if several orders have the same ERP number.
Hours & Costs
- handyman://hours?code=xx&quantity=9.9
- handyman://hours?code=xx&quantity=9.9&orderid=yy
- handyman://hours?code=xx&quantity=9.9&grouping1=123&grouping2=abc&grouping3=1AC&orderid=yy
- handyman://hours?quicklist=xx+y&grouping1=123&grouping2=abc&grouping3=1AC&orderid=yy
Register hours / costs on active order. "code" is the salarycode-ID. If no order is active, the order selector is displayed. If "orderid" is used, this is Handyman's internal order number.
Quick list can also be used. "quicklist" is then the name of the list. Blank characters are indicated by +.
The grouping fields may have other names in Handyman. e.g. eg Cost bearer, Phase, Item. These names should not be used here. The order's settings determine whether the grouping fields are used.
- handyman://material?search=xxx+yy
- handyman://material?search=xxx+yy&orderid=zz
Register material on active order. "search" is search pattern use + to have multiple AND criterias. If no order is active, the order selector is displayed. If "orderid" is used, this is Handyman's internal order number.
- handyman://
If you do not send a command, the app will be activated without anything special happening.
QR-code generator report
We have created a special report to generate QR codes with the commands shown above. For help installing the report, please contact Support. You can download this report here.