To select and export resources in Handyman, follow the standard procedure outlined in the overview article on exporting basic data. In Handyman, resources refer to users.
Relevance for Handyman
- Resources are imported into Handyman as users for Handyman Mobile, such as service technicians.
- If configured in BC (Business Central), licenses will be assigned to the users.
- No password is set for the users.
- If configured in BC, users will be added to all Trade Groups and all Cost Element Groups.
- Order lines of type resource can only be used with Handyman if the line has also a work type code. We recommend to use the setting for mandatory work type code in BC (service setup).
Configuration in BC
In BC, resources are used to add lines to orders or jobs, such as recording working time spent. To do this, you need to configure units for the resource. This configuration is independent of Handyman.
- Define the base unit of measure, typically hours:
- Assign all units of measure that the resource should be able to use. Typically, these include hours, km/miles, and pieces (e.g., for a fixed repair or travel fee):
- Ensure that resources have a correct General Product Posting Group.
Further configuration in Handyman Office
If licenses have been assigned in BC, users can immediately start using Handyman Mobile by:
- Installing the app.
- Synchronizing.
- Selecting the exported user.
For more detailed instructions, refer to the article on Handyman Mobile Installation and Basic Setup.
Handyman Office allows you to define more specific rights for resources. For more information, refer to the article about user configuration. You can assign resources to different departments in Handyman.