Handyman API is a service for building integrations against Handyman.
This guide describes how to make the Handyman API available on the Handyman server.
As of May 2023, it is not necessary to have a license to technically use the API access.
1. Open Handyman ControlCenter
2. Navigate to the Integration tab
3. Fill in an API Key of your choice (no requirement for complexity or number of characters) and a name for the integration.
- The name should reflect the service it will be connected to
- API Key can be generated by SQL Server Management Studio by running "select newid()"
4. Click on Apply in the lower right corner
5. Navigate to the Services tab
6. Highlight the HandymanAPI service and click on Install in the left menu
7. Highlight the HandymanAPI service and click on Options in the left menu
8. Fill in the Local IP (Example: and GSGroup IDM URL (https://idm.gsgroup.io), Click OK
9. Open Windows services (Services), find and open the HandymanApi properties
10. Change startup from manual to automatic
11. Switch tab to Log On and select Local System Account
12. Click OK and start the HandymanApi service
The service should now run and to do a test, the local IP address from point 8 can be pasted into a browser and add /swagger (example:
The Handyman API is now available on the local server and can be contacted by other devices on the same network.
If you do not get a response to the address from other machines, create a local firewall rule for http (Port 80) inbound.