Welcome to Handyman Portal
This document is intended as a simple user manual to help you easily get started with Connect. The document complements the product documentation and training provided by Handyman consultants.
The purpose of the document is to summarize the most important steps in the basic configuration and to recommend an order for the individual configurations.
1. Which employees should have administrator rights in Connect
2. What information do you want to share with your customers
3. Creating user rights in Connect
To make the necessary settings in Handyman, you need a Handyman Office user with system administrator rights.
The document does not contain the technical part of establishing Connect to your Handyman.
Create Handyman Portal administrator
Employees who are Connect administrators have full rights to make all settings related to Connect. Open to new customers, set rights at all levels, create new users, etc.
A minimum of 1 employee must be set up as a Connect administrator.
This is done in this way:
Create a GSGroup user account
Select the employee who will be the Connect administrator and select Create GSGroup user account.
The employee will then automatically receive 2 e-mails from Handyman, an e-mail where the address must be confirmed and a password must be entered, and an e-mail with the link to the Connect login.
Set up the employee as Connect administrator
Once the user account has been created, you can set this employee as an administrator on Connect:
What information do you want to share with your customers?
Before you activate customer access, you should have a relationship with which data the customers will see.
Most settings are made in Handyman Office and some in Connect.
Order descriptions
Order descriptions marked as Internal are not displayed in Connect.
This is not a common setting, but is done per registration.
Reports that customers should be able to see are specified per department. All report types can be displayed, including customer-specific ones. The setting done per department per report, on / off .
Completed checklists can also be displayed in Connect. This is done first with a main setting per department, then a setting for each checklist type.
Setting per department whether checklists should be displayed:
Setting per checklist type whether this should be displayed
Order documents can be displayed in Connect.
The setting is done manually per document.
Creating user rights in Connect
All other rights are set up in Connect.
Log in to Connect with the Connect administrator role for further setup.
Permissions (rights) for a customer contact are managed via a profile.
Many profiles can be created, but a customer contact must be assigned to 1 profile.
A profile contains a group of rights:
- See and/or add new descriptions
- View and/or add new documents
- View and/or add new order contacts
- Create work order. All orders created in Connect will be draft orders that must be completed in Handyman Office
- Create repair orders linked to equipment in the service module. As with work orders, repair orders also become draft orders that must be completed in the Handyman Office
- Access to view quotes (From Handyman quote module)
- Access to view invoices
- Access to enter main order, requisition, customer reference when creating new orders
- Access to specify the desired date for the order.
Access to create access for other users in the same company
Activation of new customer access
This is done in this order:
- Activate the company
- Activate first customer contact .
The customer contact will get 2 emails, corresponding to the Handyman Connect administrator .
- Select the profile that the customer contact should have.
If this customer contact has rights to add other people, the customer contact can manage other people's access in their own company.
- Select equipment that the person will see. This applies to those who have a Handyman service module.
The customer contact can then log into Connect with access to the company and equipment to which the person was assigned.
Activation of company
This is done as follows:
Add customer contacts
Once you have activated the company, you can create your first customer contact.
Once the person has been created, select the profile the customer contact should have.
If this customer contact has rights to create new users himself, the customer contact can only grant new users the same or fewer rights than he himself has.
The customer contact's access to companies and equipment
A customer contact can gain access to several companies if this is desired.
This may be relevant if this person is to handle orders for several companies, for example a property manager.
In the example below, customer contact Per Pettersen has gained access to 2 companies in addition to the company he belongs to, Unionen:
Once access to the company has been determined, access to equipment can be granted (requires Handyman Service module)
From the same page as above, select Equipment.
The list is an accumulated list of all equipment belonging to the companies to which the customer contact is assigned. Access can be set individually on each device.