Welcome to Connect
The order list
Order details
Quote details
Equipment details
Create new order
Creating new users
Welcome to Handyman Connect
This document is intended as a simple user manual to help end users use Connect.
The document complements the product documentation and training provided by Handyman consultants.
Connect can be used on "all" devices, such as mobile phones, tablets and PCs.
This document shows images from a PC.
The first page after logging in is the home page.
Here, the logged-in user will be able to choose the language, and there is also a link to the Handyman help pages. If the logged-in user has access to create orders, a + icon appears at the bottom right.
Depending on the rights to which the logged-in user has access, various functions are displayed on the left.
The homepage shows the last 5 orders on which there has been activity, with the order's status as the first column:
The order list
By clicking on one of the most recent activities on the website, this order is opened.
You can also go to orders from the order menu on the left.
The order list shows 1 row per order to which the logged-in user has access.
On all lists in Connect, the user can set up the list with the desired information, adjust the order of columns and sorting order.
These settings are saved until the next time the user logs in. This is done under Settings.
Example of adding new columns: Example of grouping the list by
order types
The order of the columns is adjusted by highlighting the column header and "drag" the column to the desired new order.
To see the order details, click on the desired order.
Order details
Depending on the logged-in user's rights, it gives access to different information on the order.
The user can also add new information here.
A + icon appears at the bottom of the screen to add new information
Details: General information on the order.
Documents: Documents and reports. Here, the user can also add more documents.
Contacts: All the order's contact persons. Here the user can also add any new contact persons .
Invoice: Displays invoices belonging to this order
Activity: History of activities on this order.
Some examples:
A list of all quotes to which the user has access is displayed here.
Corresponding to the order list, the user can choose which columns are to be displayed under Settings.
Quote details
By marking a quote, details relating to this quote are displayed.
The quote is displayed on the screen, but can also be downloaded
The quote can be approved or rejected by pressing the icons.
Invoices shows an accumulated list of all invoices to which the user has access.
The invoices can be viewed via the link on the right. There is also a link to the order the invoice belongs to.
Equipment is a common term for both places and associated equipment.
Corresponding to the order list, the user can choose which columns are to be displayed under Settings.
Clicking on a location or piece of equipment will display the equipment's details
Equipment details
Depending on the logged-in user's rights, it gives access to different information on the site or the equipment.
Details: General information . The example above shows a place with an address in Lund.
Contacts: The location's contact persons
Orders: Overview of all orders belonging to the location. Here, the user can also easily create new orders for this equipment/location
Invoice: Displays invoices as related to the location
Service Reports: Accumulated list of all service reports related to the site.
Example of order list
Create new order
Creation of new orders can be done from several places.
The creation of an order from the Equipment menu is shown below:
Select the desired equipment, go to the order list associated with the equipment and press the + icon at the bottom right.
Fill in information. Depending on the user's rights, some fields must be filled in, others not.
A contact person must be indicated on all orders.
If there are no contact persons in the list of contact persons, or if the user wants this order to have a contact person who is not in the list, press New Contact and add a new one.
The user can also enter a desired date.
The order is created by pressing Create
Create new users
If the logged-in user has access to create users in their own company, this can be done by clicking on Users in the menu on the left.
A list of all users who have access is displayed here.
Press the + icon and enter the name and email address of the new user:
All users must be given an access profile.
By default, the new user will get the same profile as the logged-in user, but other profiles can be assigned to the new user.
A new user can never get more rights than the person who created the user.
Press Save. New users will now receive 2 e-mails from Handyman, an e-mail in which the e-mail address must be confirmed and that the new user must enter a password and an e-mail with the link to the Connect login.
The last step in creating a new user is to specify which places and equipment the new user should have access to.
Select new user again and set the access on each individual device: