Before you begin, ensure that the initial setup has been successfully completed, as explained in this article.
The extension comes with a default configuration that allows you to use Handyman and Business Central for a basic service process.
To meet specific requirements, you can configure the extension with various settings available on this page: Handyman --> Handyman settings
Tooltips provide the necessary information to configure individual settings.
Additionally, we want to highlight some settings that must be configured if you want to use the related functionality:
- Settings - Orders - Number for miscellaneous items: The item number entered here must exist as a non-inventory item in BC. The same item number must be entered in Handyman Office in Configuration - Company - Logistics - Item number for miscellaneous items. Material without an item number will be assigned this number.
- Projects - Job Journal Template / Batch: If you want to use Projects/Jobs, you must enter the job journal template/batch to be used for updating the project with registration from Handyman.
- Inbound Store Movements: Input is required in all of the following settings.
- Automation: See the article on automation.
- Import purchase orders from Handyman as transfer orders: Make sure Business Central is set up to allow the creation of transfer orders with manual numbers.