In the resource planner, you have the option to set the default task status as "not started" or "tentative". This article discusses a scenario where users who have the default task status set as "tentative" may not be able to see certain orders on their mobile devices. If you experience this issue, it may be advisable to choose a different default task status in the resource planner.
To check your configuration of the default task status, go to the resource planner and click on the settings icon.
A window for settings will appear. Under appointment you will see the default task status. Here shown as tentative.
When the default status is set to "tentative" for mobile users, they will not receive tasks/orders on their mobile devices if there is only one task on the order and that task is tentative, or if all tasks on the order are tentative.
If you have been using "tentative" as the default task status for some time and then change it to "not started", this change will only affect your next order and not the orders that have already been created.
For already created orders you have to change status on the task in resource planner manually.
You double click on the task and then select i.e. not started
Once this change is made, the task and order will be synchronized with the mobile user's device.