In Handyman Office, it is possible to activate reminders for time entry to send messages to users who are missing hours for yesterday and/or for the past week. When activated in the Handyman Office client, it is possible to deactivate it with department settings. Mobile users can also turn off alarms/reminders in the mobile app if they have days off/vacation and do not want to be bothered by alarms.
Activate Time input reminders.
On Company level you need to activate Time input reminders and configure settings
Reminder times
First reminder of day
First possible time for a reminder to be displayed. This setting is used in both daily and weekly reminders.
There is no restrictions to the time input here, but default is 15:00 and normal input is around the end of the normal working day.
Last reminder time of the day
Last possible time for a reminder to be displayed. Only used for daily reminders
Repeat reminder after
The time before the reminder are displayed again after the user have postponed prevoius reminder for a day or week
Daily check
Enter which day a daily reminder will be displayed.
Minimum hours per day 1 If registered hours per day are less than minimum hours per day. day
If registered hours per day are less than minimum hours per day. day. day the daily reminder will be displayed
(This includes both synchronized and unsynchronized registrations)
Message (@ = sum for day)
The message displayed for daily reminder. @ will be replaced with the actual number of hours registered today
Daily reminder is displayed when
- Weekday is checked
- Current time is more than "First reminder of day"
- Current time is less than "Last reminder time of day"
- First time Current time is more than "Last reminder time of day" (Final warning for day)
Weekly checks
Minimum hours per week
If registered hoursfor the previousweek is less than the minimum hours per week, the weekly reminder will be displayed
Week period starts
Select which day of week the weekly reminder will start to display the weekly reminder.
Final week reminder
The last day of week the weekly reminder is displayed.
Message (@ = sum for week)
The message displayed for weekly reminder. @ will be replaced with the actual number of hours registered last week
Weekly reminder is displayed when
- Weekday is between Week period start and week period end days
- Current time is more than "First reminder of day" from daily check settings
- Current time is less than "Last reminder time of day" from weekly check settings
- First time Current time is more than "Last reminder time of day" from weekly check settings (Final warning for week)
Exceptions based on settings per user
On every employee, it is possible to set normal work hours per week (Handyman Office 8.2.2 and newer).
- Options
- Normal - use standard value for company
- Fixed
- Number of hours for week is entered
- Variable
- Absence only
Handling of personal settings in Time input reminders
- If info on user is
- Fixed - uses this value for weekly check, skip daily check
- Variable and Absence only - skip both weekly and daily check
Message when unsynced registration exists
Message when unsynced registration exists
When a message text is entered here, we will add an extra check on the mobile to see if there are unsynchronized registrations. This will be checked even if the amount for the day is okay.
The message displayed for registered hours which is not synchronized to the server. @ will be replaced with the actual number of unsynchronized hours.
Reminder is displayed when
- Weekday is checked
- This should be displayed only if daily check passes, but some or all hour & costs data is not synchronised yet.
- Current time is more than "First reminder of day"
- Message dialog should have two buttons
- Sync now
- Start full sync
- Cancel
- If cancel is chosen then we activate sync postpone loop.
- Sync now
From Handyman Mobile version, we support moving holidays. If moving holidays are configured in Handyman Office (Company -> Time Zones -> Holidays/Off Days), the reminder will check the next day instead, so no reminder will be sent to the user on that day.
Deactivate Time input reminders by departments
Since these settings are global, there is a setting to turn off time input reminders for each department, and it is possible to deactivate it when the time input reminder for the client is activated. (Configuration -> Department -> Settings -> Handyman Mobile)