Access to this module is controlled by the company licence.
This tab contains the basic values you need to produce invoices in Handyman Office, like the account number, due date and fees.
The option to prevent printing and sending invoices from Handyman Office is used with integration solutions where the invoice data is exported to the integration partner.
These settings are used for invoices that are past the due date.
It is possible to set a flat reminder fee and penalty interest as a percentage.
The number of reminders determine how many chances the payer has before the invoice is sent to debt collection.
In the text tab you define what is written on the company invoices.
Using KID requires an algorithm to calculate the numbers.
It is possible to set order elements as part of the KID using the field combination function.
The settings in this tab control what the printed and PDF version of the invoice will look like.
Invoice type determines the general layout of the invoice as printed.
The rules section mainly determines what and how elements are shown on the invoice but also allows for circumventing the printer and only printing to PDF.
Printer settings allows a choice of printer specifically for invoices for those that use giro paper.
The accumulated values report options found here allows you to ad work hours and the totals for the equipment or site related to order that has been invoiced.
This tab contains the settings that affect how invoices are exported from Handyman Office to an external system.
File system export is used along with a separate program that picks up the invoices from a designated folder on the server or shared network drive.
FTP export uses a file area online to deposit the invoices and requires a login as well as a transfer type to be specified.
Exported invoices can be set to fit formats determined by the recipient system.- FlexiSoft
- Unison
- Handyman CSV
- Handyman XML (the execute on export option is for starting a program after the export process is completed)
- Høkas
Factoring is used to transfer the invoice to another company who then takes charge of collecting the payment from the end customer.
Number series
In this menu it is possible to designate specific number series for credit notes, interest note, or customers.